Roosendaal van, “Jan” Johannes

Capt. J van Roosendaal after promotion. (a)
Captain Johannes “Jan” van Roosendaal was born on 15 October 1911 in Dordrecht a town just east of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. He was a son of Johannes van Roosendaal, a grain chandler and Cornelia Wilhelmina, Antonia Pel.
When 18 years old he decided to go to sea and enrolled on 03 Sept. 1929 in the oldest Maritime Academy in the World, the Kweekschool voor de Zeevaart in Amsterdam. As he was father was deceased by 1929 and he was not yet 21 years old, his fathers brother was the appointed guardian for approving his choice while his mother signed the articles of intake.
Upon completion he joined the Holland America Line on the 18th. Febr. 1932 as a cadet on the ss Binnendijk.
This was in the middle of the depression years and times were difficult but the company kept enlisting cadet officers even if they could not pay them. So he did his cadetship without wages. Still cost and living was free of charge and that was not to be frowned upon at the time. More over as his father has passed away some time before and thus there was no other support to fall back upon.
In 1933 he returns to school to study for his 3rd mate’s exam and passes in July. But it is not until October 1936 that he can rejoin Holland America when the worst of the depression was over and the laid up ships came back into service.
His daughter remembers that in this period he started and operated two own businesses. One being an ice cream seller and the other a coal merchant. We do not know if he was not successful in these ventures or that he was happy to hand them over to somebody else but because he could rejoin the company in 1936. It is fair to assume that these were activities only engaged in to tie him over until Holland America had space for him again.

The ss Beemsterdijk of 1922. This was one of a series of 10 cargo ships and all names started with a B. (The Beemster is a reclaimed land area, or polder in the Dutch language, in the Noord West of Holland)
Three months later he is given a temporary contract as 4th. officer and assigned to the ss Beemsterdijk one of the 10 B-class cargo ships the company had in service and which was employed on the route Rotterdam – East Coast of America ports. A temporary contract as times were still difficult but this was changed into a permanent one six months when an assignment as 4th. Officer to the Maasdam (III)followed.

The ss Maasdam (III) This ship belonged to a series of four and were part passenger part cargo ship. Especially designed for the Gulf of Mexico service.
Seven months later he has to sign up for the compulsory military service but as a sailor he was exempt from full service and he was back at sea again a month later. The economy kept improving even with the ominous noises coming out of Germany and he was promoted to 3rd officer on 19 Aug. 1938 and to second officer on 16 June 1939.
Between a 3rd. Officer wages and a 2nd officer wage there was considerable difference, which came in very handy as he had married on the 25 of July 1938 to a Dutch Lady who listened to the beautiful name of Johanna Cornelie Catherina Engelen. (Daughter of Theodorus Jacobus Engelen and Anthonetta Johanna Drucker) Although not uncommon in Holland they almost shared the same first name. Johannes and Johanna. He was given a month vacation and then it was back to sea. Eventually there were three children, Johanna, Cornelie and Antoinetta.

The ss Delftdijk in the 2nd worldwar.
He had just left the Netherlands before the war broke out, sailing as 2nd officer on the Blommersdijk, and could thus not return to Holland until the war was over. Hence he stayed 5 full years at sea. He remained on the ss Blommersdijk (II) until 1943 and then transferred to the ss Delftdijk (I). As he was now becoming one of the senior 2nd officers, he spent the remainder of the war on the passenger ships ss Edam (IV) and Volendam (I) all involved in transporting Troops. Even during the war Holland America tried to stay with to the tradition and routine that with increasing seniority you went to a more senior ship. After promotion you started again on the smallest (cargo) ship and then worked you way back to the most senior one again. This meant that officers had to travel all over the USA and the United Kingdom to catch their next ship. But this was seen as a nice break and un-official vacation away from the troubles of war.

2nd Officer Jan van Roosendaal in 1994. (b)
With the Blommersdijk and Delftdijk he was involved in the cargo shuttle service between New York and England and Scotland. Mainly discharging cargo in the West coast ports. All these trips took place in full or partly convoy service whereby navy ships would escort the ships until they were out of reach of the German war planes, or all the way if there was a heightened danger of U Boat activity. U-boats were not limited in their area of operation and where not unknown to cruise along the American east coast.
Because U boats could surface in the middle of the convoy, shoot and then dive again, Navy escorts were not always effective. This made for stress full crossings, if you cannot see your enemy, and you have limited capabilities of defending yourself. Then there was the additional emotional problem for the problem that when your neighbor was torpedoed and sunk, you were not allowed to stop and help picking up survivors. You had to maintain convoy speed and formation and leave it to the navy escorts to go after any survivors. It does not help your nerves when you see this happening and you realize that you can be the next one.

Photo taken on board the ss Volendam by 4th. officer G. Meiners. From left to right 2nd Officer Van Roosendaal, 2nd Officer Lunenburg and First Officer Riemens. All three did become Captain after the war. (e)
The last two years of the war were on the larger passengerships and he ended the war on the ss Volendam which after the flagship the ss Nieuw Amsterdam (II) was considered the most prestigious ship in the fleet. He made it back to Holland on 18 July 1945 on board the ss Volendam.

The ss Volendam (I) in war colours.
(ED. Note: I have not been able to find out very much yet about his experiences during the war but it must have been quite stressful. I quote a deck officer who sailed with him in the 1950’s when he was Chief Officer.
Quote: The Chief Officer was J. Van Roosendaal who had sailed for the duration of the war and as a result a bit of a rough person. You could say he was an insult – comedian. If he had something to comment upon, it was nearly always done in a funny way but you knew where you stood. If you saw him signalling with the Aldis Lamp, you were amazed of how fast he could do this, and also how quickly he could read the answer which came back. (c) Unquote
In 1946 and onwards Holland America bought a total of 11 new cargo ships, army surplus being 1 Liberty and 10 Victory ships and then promotion went fast. Promoted in 1947 to Chief Officer to one those of Victory ships, the ss Arkeldijk. Now the same pattern started again with hopping from ship to ship while gaining seniority and eventually he was back on the passenger ships. Until 5 years later he was promoted to Captain in Dec. 1952.

The ss Blijdendijk (II) a Liberty class cargo vessel. The Americans had built a total of 2644 of them. And those who survived the war were available for lease or sale.
It is great to be a captain but it meant going back to the smallest ship in the fleet the Liberty ship ss Blijdendijk (II), which was one the one and only liberty ship of the company. Contrary to most cargo ships it was not a turbine ship but still had old fashioned triple expansion propulsion with a single screw which gave it a speed of 10 knots (In good weather). It sailed from Rotterdam to the east coast of the USA making six weeks round trips.

As Captain on the bridge. We think that this is on board one of the A class cargo vessels the captain sailed on before being senior enough for the passenger ships. The ships telegraph for giving the speed orders to the engine room is in English while the Dutch built passenger ships all had the dutch version. (d)
Again the merry go-round of hopping around the fleet started with eventually ending up on the cargo ships with passenger accommodation on the west coast. From there is the jump in 1962 to the ss Maasdam (IV). This is a bit peculiar was there is a total absence of sailing on the passenger cargo vessels (Noordam, Westerdam) on the North Atlantic. One can only assume that Captain Roosendaal preferred the ships on the West coast service, which were indeed much more fun than the closely scrutinized North Atlantic bun run between Rotterdam and New York.

The ms Maasdam (IV). Together with her sister the ss Ryndam (II) was built as a tourist class liner for the North Atlantic service to the USA and Canada. Holland America advertised them as the “thrift Liners” as they were extremely good value for money.
Then from 1962 onwards he sailed on the ss Maasdam with two voyages on the ss Ryndam in between. A highlight during this period was the first call of a company ship at Galway in Ireland. This port call was being developed as an alternative call to Cobh where the company had been calling since the end of the 19th. Century.

Captain van Roosendaal with the mayor of Galway on the occasion of the first call at the port. (b)
The ship would stop at the anchorage of Galway and a company tender, the Galway Bay would be in attendance for passengers, luggage and on occasion cargo. On 21 July 1962, the local mayor and his deputies came on board to be shown around the ship by the captain. (b)
Another interesting occurrence was the transport of a sick crew member from a British weather observation ship in the North Atlantic. In November 1962 a steward on board the O.W.S Weather Reporter stationed at location Juliet in the North Atlantic fell ill and needed urgent medical help. The ss Maasdam (IV) came to the rescue and after the transfer by lifeboat between ships, took the patient to Cobh and with the local doctor’s approval onwards to Southampton. The Captain of the weather ship, who being of Scottish origin, forwarded a few bottles of his national tipple to show his appreciation. It is unknown if Capt. Van Roosendaal enjoyed Scotch Whisky but there is little doubt that there would have been a few connoisseurs among his crew who would have helped him in case the bottles formed a dilemma. (b)

Nasty scratches on the bow. But as it is on the port side, it already indicates that the responsibility lay somewhere else. (b)
Then there was the collision with the cargo steamer ss Bayton and the ss Maasdam on the St. Lawrence River which resulted in some light damage on the ps. of the Maasdam. Due to the sudden descend of a fog bank the two ships could not see each other and made contact. Captain van Roosendaal was fully acquitted of any wrong doing during the subsequent Board of Inquiry investigation. (b)

On board the ss Maasdam (IV) during a cruise in white uniform.
During the winter season, the North Atlantic ships made cruises to the Caribbean from New York. Most likely this photo was taken during voyage 121 during the winter of 1963.
Although the officers wore white uniforms when sailing in the tropics, the passenger ships also had this white evening uniform called “jasje tutup”. Jasje = is a dutch word for a small coat. Tutup = is a Indonesian word for closed and thus this uniform was a coat with a closed top.
As far as is known it was only on the passenger ships during cruises that this uniform was also worn during the day when involved with guests.
A very unique part of his private papers was the Captains administration for the ships he sailed on. While on the passenger ships, most administrative work was done by the Pursers staff, on the cargo ships and the cargo passenger ships sailing to Vancouver, the captain was involved in port costs, wage administration and plethora of other finance matters which one does not directly expect to fall under a captain’s function.
I have listed here under one of those pages. This is from the ms Duivendyk a west coast passenger cargo liner and the total for the cruise comes to 27 thousand guilders which in current money would be about $ 300,000. If you take into account that captains are trained to be navigators, not book keepers, it is understandable that most of the ship’s masters found this a side duty which was worrying and took a lot of focus to get it right. (b)

The glorious days before computers and when even type writers were avoided if possible. This is the final voyage of the Duivendijk as she went for scrap to Japan. (b)
By 1964 Captain van Roosendaal was only 54 years old but is then offered early retirement together with 5 other captains. The main reason for this was the decrease in fleet size which makes it rather crowded at the top of the pinnacle. The 11 A class freighters are slowly being phased out and replaced with the K and later G class but not in the same numbers. Westerdam, Noordam and Groote Beer are also sold off and apart from having too many captains there is also the fact to be considered that some of the Chief Officers / Staff Captains were already sitting “ in the waiting room” for a long time.
So he opted for early retirement and a place in the sun by buying a bungalow in Spain. After six years he developed cancer and returned 3 years later to the Netherlands to be close to the family. An interesting detail is that he was treated in a hospital in Delft where the Managing Physician Director was Doctor Griffioen who had sailed with the Captain on the passenger ships in the previous years.
Captain johannes “jan” van Roosendaal passed away on 22 November 1976.

The ss Maasdam (IV) ships staff assembled in the Captains Cabin. From left to right: Chief Engineer, Chief Radio officer, Chief Steward (?) Social Hostess, Purser( ?), Captain van Roosendaal and Chief Officer F. van Driel ( = later captain of the ss Rotterdam (V) in the 70/80s) (b)
- Credits:
- (a) HAL Archives
- (b) Private papers of Capt. van Roosendaal made available by his daughter Mrs. Carlie Segboer van Roosendaal.
- (c) Mr. Frank van der Meulen.
- (d) Grand daugther of Captain van Roosendaal.
- (e) by 4th. officer G. Meiners via HAL Historian Laurens van der Laan.
Date: Function: Ship: Wages and/or remarks.
18 Feb. 1932 Cadet Officer Binnendijk without wages.
03 May. 1932 Due to illness ashore.
16 Jun. 1932 Recovered and available.
01 Jul. 1932 Cadet Officer Beemsterdijk without wages
He has 142 days as Deck hand. Is allowed to complete sailing time without wages.
20 Aug. 1932 Temporary ashore without wages
26 Sep. 1932 Cadet Officer Maasdam without wages
27 Nov. 1932 Temporary ashore without wages
16 Dec. 1932 Cadet Officer Drechtdijk 25,–
(Due to resignation of Uding = other cadet)
01 Apr. 1933 Dismissed. Made his sailing days goes to study for 3rd mates ticket
01 Oct. 1936 4th. Officer Breedijk 92,– temporary contract
26 Mar. 1937 4th. officer Maasdam 92,–
01 May. 1937 Temporary ashore 92,–
03 May. 1937 In military service
07 Jun. 1937 4th. Officer Beemsterdijk 92,–
15 Jun. 1937 4th. Officer Breedijk 92,–
17 Jun. 1937 4th. Officer Statendam 92,–
02 Aug. 1937 4th. Officer Drechtdijk 92,–
18 Aug. 1937 3rd. Officer Drechtdijk 92,– promoted to 3rd Off.
01 Oct. 1937 According to new regulation 132,–
03 Apr. 1938 3rd. Officer Drechtdijk 19 Jul. 1938
23 Aug. 1938 3rd. Officer Noordam 24 Aug. 1938
27 Aug. 1938 3rd. Officer Beemsterdijk 08 Oct. 1938
18 Oct. 1938 3rd. Officer Beemsterdijk 27 Dec. 1938
31 Dec. 1938 3rd. Officer Beemsterdijk 10 Feb. 1939
18 Feb. 1939 3rd. Officer Noordam 13 Mar. 1939
18 Mar. 1939 3rd. officer Noordam 12 Apr. 1939
15 Apr. 1939 3rd.Officer Noordam 08 May 1939
13 May 1939 3rd.Officer Noordam 05 Jun. 1939
16 Jun. 1939 2nd. Officer Volendam 11 Jul., 1939
12 Jul. 1939 2nd. Officer Blommersdijk 27 Aug. 1939
08 Sep. 1939 2nd. Officer Blommersdijk 05 Oct. 1939
07 Oct. 1939 2nd. Officer Blommersdijk 11 Nov. 1939
09 Dec. 1939 2nd. Officer Blommersdijk 09 Feb. 1940
14 Feb. 1940 2nd Officer Blommersdijk 20 Apr. 1940
25 Apr. 1940 2nd. Officer Blommersdijk 24 Nov. 1942 (NY)
Scheduled leave in July for three weeks not taken but had it paid out.
04 Jan.1943 2nd. Officer Delftdijk (NY) 08 Jul. 1943 (Glasgow)
09 Jul. 1943 2nd. Officer Edam (L’pool) 30 May 1944 (L’pool)
16 Jun. 1944 2nd officer Delftdijk (L’pool) 13 Jul. 1944 (NY)
Stayed ashore to study for First Mate / Master license.
22 Dec. 1944 2nd officer Volendam 18 Jul. 1945
(wages as 2nd officer Sr. Fl. 242 a months with a daily premium of Fl. 4,–
24 Nov. 1945 2nd. officer Volendam 17 Mar. 1946 (Glasgow)
Assumption is, he then went home as passenger as the Volendam stayed in Glasgow until 25 may and only arrived in Rotterdam on 27 May.
19 Oct. 1946 2nd. Officer Victory 3 (***) 01 Jun. 1947 Rotterdam
15 Oct 1947 1st. officer Arkeldijk 14 Nov. 1947
17 Nov. 1947 1st. officer Arkeldijk 17 Dec. 1947
21 Jan. 1948 1st. officer Arkeldijk 01 Feb. 1948
05 Feb. 1948 1st. officer Arkeldijk 01 Apr. 1948
06 Apr. 1948 1st. officer Arkeldijk 01 Jun.1948
16 Jun. 1948 1st. officer Arkeldijk 31 Jul. 1948
20 Aug. 1948 1st. officer Amsteldijk 26 Aug. 1948
19 Oct. 1948 1st. 0fficer Abbedijk 10 Dec. 1948
16 Dec. 1948 1st. officer Abbedijk 07 Apr. 1949 (NY)
09 Apr. 1949 1st. officer Noordam 18 Apr. 1949
22 Apr. 1949 1st. officer Noordam 16 May. 1949
27 May. 1950 1st. officer Delftdijk 08 Sep. 1950
28 Sep. 1950 1sr. officer Delftdijk 05 Jan. 1950
07 Jan. 1950 1st. officer Delftdijk 20 Jan.1950
21 Jan. 1950 1st. officer Delftdijk 10 Feb. 1950
17 Feb. 1950 1st. officer Westerdam 27 Feb. 1950 NY
28 Feb. 1950 1st. officer Abbedijk 11 May 1950 Baltimore
11 May. 1950 1st. officer Noordam 22 May 1950 Rdam
26 May.1950 1st. officer Dalerdijk 06 Jun. 1950
04 Jul. 1950 1st. officer Almdijk 16 Sep. 1950
19 Sep. 1950 1st. officer Almdijk 25 Nov. 1950
21 Dec. 1950 1st. officer Nieuw Amsterdam 07 Apr. 1951
19 Apr. 1951 1st. officer Duivendijk 01 Aug. 1951
08 Aug. 1951 1st. officer Duivendijk 06 Dec. 1951
11 Dec. 1951 1st. officer Duivendijk 08 Apr. 1952
23 May 1952 1st. officer Noordam 16 Jun. 1952
23 Jun. 1952 1st. officer Noordam 11 Jul.19 52
18 Jul. 1952 1st. officer Noordam 11 Aug. 1952
15 Aug. 1952 1st. officer Noordam 08 Sep. 1952
12 Sep. 1952 1st. officer Noordam 06 Oct. 1952
10 Oct. 1952 1st. officer Noordam 03 Nov. 1952
14 Nov. 1952 1st. officer Noordam 08 Dec. 1952
17 Dec. 1952 Promotion to Captain
18 Dec. 1952 Captain Blijdendijk (31) 06 Feb. 1953
13 Feb. 1953 Captain Blijdendijk (32)
02 Apr. 1953 Captain Blijdendijk (33)
24 May 1953 Captain Blijdendijk (34) 09 Jul. 1953
10 Jul. 1953 Captain On Leave 27 Aug. 1953
29 Aug. 1953 (NY) Captain Schiedijk (18) 06 Jan. 1954 (Galveston)
07 Jan. 1954 Captain Schiedijk (19) 03 Feb. 1954 (Rdam)
04 Feb. 1954 Captain On Leave 12 Feb 1954
13 Feb. 1954 Passenger with the ms Noordam to New York 25 Feb. 1954
26 Feb.19 54 (NY) Captain Aagtedijk (21) 24 Apr. 1954 (NY)
25 Apr. 1954 (NY) Captain Aagtedijk (22) 13 Jul. 195 4 (NY)
14 Jul. 1954 (NY) Captain Aagtedijk (22) 20 Jul. 1954 Philadelphia
21 Jul. 1954 (NY) Passenger back to Holland with the ss Nieuw Amsterdam to Holland
21 Jul.1954 Captain On Leave 31 Jul. 1954
01 Aug. 1954 Captain On Leave 20 Aug. 1954
21 Aug. 1954 Captain Amsteldijk (47) 03 Oct. 1954 Rdam – Rdam
04 Oct. 1954 Captain Amsteldijk (48) 16 Nov. 1954 Rdam – Rdam
19 Nov. 1954 Captain Amsteldijk coastal 24 Nov. 1954
24 Nov. 1954 Captain On Leave 26 Dec. 1954
27 Dec. 1954 Captain Averdijk (53) 05 Feb. 1955 Rdam – Rdam
06 Feb. 1955 Captain Averdijk (54) 29 Mar. 1955 Rdam –Rdam
30 Mar. 1955 Captain Averdijk (55) 18 May 1955 Rdam – Rdam
19 May 1955 Captain Averdijk (56) 08 Jul. 1955 Rdam – Rdam
09 Jul. 1955 Captain Averdijk (57) 20 Aug. 1955 Rdam – Rdam
21 Aug. 1955 On Leave during coastal voyage 01 Sep. 1955
01 Sep. 1955 Captain Averdijk (58) 26 Oct. 1955 Rdam – Rdam
27 Oct. 1955 Captain Averdijk (59) 19 Dec. 1955 Rdam – Rdam
24 Dec. 1955 On Leave 31 Dec. 1955 Rdam – Rdam
01 Jan. 1956 Captain Alblasserdijk (37) 22 Mar. 1956 Rdam – Rdam
23 Mar. 1956 Captain Alblasserdijk (38) 04 Jun. 1956 Rdam – Rdam
04 Jun. 1956 Captain Alblaserdijk (39) 31 Jul. 1956 Rdam – Rdam
01 Aug. 1956 Captain Alblasserdijk (40) 20 Oct. 1956 Rdam – Rdam
21 Oct. 1956 Captain Alblasserdijk (41 I) 31 Dec. 1956 Rdam – //////
01 Jan. 1957 Captain Alblasserdijk (41 II) /////// – 18 Jan. 1957 Rdam
19 Jan. 1957 Captain Alblasserdijk (42) 12 Apr. 1957 Rdam – Rdam
13 Apr. 1957 Captain Ablasserdijk (43) 04 May. 1957 Rdam – Rdam
05 May. 1957 On leave 15 Jun. 1957
18 Jun. 1957 crossing with the Statendam to NY 26 Jun. 1957
27 Jun. 1957 Captain Aalsdijk (66) 30 Sep. 1957
01 Oct. 1957 Captain Aalsdijk (66/67) 31 Dec. 1957
01 Jan. 1958 Captain Aalsdijk (67) 31 Mar. 1958
01 Apr. 1958 Captain Aalsdijk (68) 28 Apr. 1957 (NY)
29 Apr. 1958 Crossing with the ss Statendam back to Rotterdam & leave until 14 Jul. 1958
14 Jul. 1958 Captain Duivendijk (35) 02 Nov. 1958
03 Nov. 1958 Captain Duivendijk (36) 07 Dec. 1958
Ship remained in Rotterdam as it went into dry dock
08 Dec. 1958 Captain Duivendijk (36I) 31 Dec. 1958 Rdam – /////
01 Jan. 1959 Captain Duivendijk (36 II) ///// – 27 Mar. 1959 – Rdam
28 Mar. 1959 Captain Duivendijk (37) 16 Aug. 1959 Rdam – ///////
17 Aug. 1959 Captain Duivendijk (38) ////// 26 Nov. arrival Tokyo for scrap.
Back in Holland on 05 December 1959.
06 Dec. 1959 On Leave 15 Apr. 1960
21 Apr. 1960 Captain Arnedijk (76) 02 Jun.1960 Rdam – Rdam
03 Jun. 1960 Captain Arnedijk (77) 17 Aug. 1960 Rdam – Rdam
18 Aug. 1960 Captain Dalerdijk (39) 04 Dec. Rdam – Rdam
05 Dec. 1960 Captain Dalerdijk (39/40) 26 Mar. 1961
27 Mar. 1961 Captain Dalerdijk (40/41) 22 Apr. 1961 Rdam – Rdam
23 Apr. 1961 on leave 02 Jul. 1961
03 Jul. 1961 Captain Dinteldijk (15K) 11 Jul. 1961 Rdam – Rdam Coastal trip
12 Jul. 1961 Captain Kerkedijk (24) 20 Jul. 1961 Rdam – Rdam Coastal trip
21 Jul. 1961 On Leave 31 Jul. 1961
01 Aug. 1961 Captain Dinteldijk (30/31) 03 Sep. 1961 Rdam – Rdam
04 Sep. 1961 Captain Andijk (70/71) 14 Sep. 1961 Rdam – Rdam
15 Sep. 1961 Captain Andijk (71) 03 Nov. 1961 Rdam – Rdam
04 Nov. 1961 Captain Andijk (71/72) 12 Nov. 1961 Rdam – Rdam
13 Nov. 1961 Captain On Leave 12 Dec. 1961
13 Dec .1961 Captain Dalerdijk (43I) 31 Dec. 1961 Rdam – //////
01 Jan. 1962 Captain Dalerdijk (43II) ///// – 22 Apr. 1962 Rdam
23 Apr. 1962 Captain Maasdam (104) 25 Jun. 1962 Rdam – Rdam
26 Jun. 1962 Captain Maasdam (105) 20 Jul. 1962 Rdam – Rdam
21 Jul. 1962 Captain Maasdam (106) 26 Aug. 1962 Rdam – Rdam
27 Aug. 1962 Captain Maasdam (107) 21 Sep. 1962 Rdam – Rdam
22 Sep. 1962 Captain Maasdam (108) 16 Oct. 1962 Rdam – Rdam
17 Oct. 1962 Captain Maasdam (109) 10 Nov. 1962 Rdam – Rdam
11 Nov. 1962 Captain Maasdam (110) 06 Dec. 1962 Rdam – Rdam
07 Dec. 1962 Captain On Leave 31 Dec. 1962
01 Jan. 1963 Captain Ryndam (140) 31 Jan. 1963 Rdam – Rdam
01 Feb.1963 Captain Ryndam (141) 01 Mar. 1963 Rdam – Rdam
02 Mar. 1963 Captain On Leave 16 Apr. 1963
17 Apr. 1963 Captain Maasdam (113) 16 May 1963 Rdam – Rdam
17 May 1963 Captain Maasdam (114) 21 Jun. 1963 Rdam – Rdam
22 Jun. 1963 Captain Maasdam (115) 21 Jul. 1963 Rdam – Rdam
23 Jul. 1963 Captain On Leave 17 Aug. 1963 B’hven – Rdam
18 Aug. 1963 Captain Maasdam (117) 14 Sep. 1963 Rdam – Rdam
15 Sep. 1963 Captain Maasdam (118) 11 Oct. 1963 Rdam – Rdam
12 Oct.1963 Captain OnLeave 08 Nov. 1963
09 Nov. 1963 Captain Maasdam (120) 06 Dec. 1963 Rdam – Rdam
07 Dec. 1963 Captain Maasdam (121) 31 Dec. 1963 Rdam – /////
01 Jan. 1964 Captain Maasdam (121 I) ////// – 16 Jan. 1963 Rdam
17 Jan. 1964 Captain Maasdam (122) 15 Feb. 1964 Rdam – Rdam
16 Feb. 1964 Captain Maasdam (123) 14 Mar. 1964 Rdam – Rdam
15 Mar. 1964 Captain Maasdam (124) 12 Apr. 1964 Rdam – Rdam
13 Apr. 1964 Captain On Leave 08 may 1964
09 May 1964 Captain Maasdam (126) 31 May 1964 Rdam – Rdam
*Onwards from promotion to Captain, the ships voyage numbers are given behind the name of the ship as captains were signed on for the voyage.
*///// indicates voyage runs into the New Year.
*** This Victory 3 is still a question mark, as none of the A class ships which bought right after the war were in Holland around 16 Oct. 1946. If this ship was the ss Arkeldyk (sailed subsequent voyages on it) then this also gives a question mark as the ss Arkeldijk was not in Rotterdam on the sign off date. The ss Aardyk was but then the departure dates do not fit. To be verified.
October 27, 2015 at 11:34 am
Goedendag, ik ben zelf kapitein op reefer schepen van Seatrade. Ik weet dat mijn oudoom Jan van Roosendaal (broer van mijn grootmoeder) zijn leven lang voor de HAL heeft gevaren en daar alle rangen heeft doorlopen t/m kapitein. Eind jaren ’60 begin jaren ’70 is hij gepensioneerd. Ik zou graag wat meer te weten willen komen over zijn loopbaan bij de HAL, reizen etc.
October 27, 2015 at 1:21 pm
Goede morgen,
Mijn dank voor de interresse voor het blog. Voor de informatie is het nog even wachten to na kerstmis. Ik heb een afspraak met de dochter van kapitein Roosendaal in January en dan hoop ik meer over de man te weten te komen en over zijn loopbaan. Ze hebben zijn monsterboekje nog en dat is de leidraad voor de verdere zoektocht. Tot nu toe weet ik wat hij gedaan heeft tot 1937 maar daarna stopt het omdat toen bij de HAL de loon administratie geautomatiseerd werd (pons kaarten) en dat archief is niet toegankelijk helaas. Maar ik hoop in February het een en ander op de blog te kunnen zetten.
Albert Schoonderbeek.
May 15, 2017 at 5:31 am
Geachte meneer Schoonderbeek,
Dank voor uw reactie en excuses voor mijn late reactie. E.e.a. is beroeps gerelateerd, wij hebben nog steeds geen internet aan boord van onze schepen.
Met toenemende nieuwsgierigheid wacht ik uw wetenswaardigheden af m.b.t. de loopbaan van mijn oudoom Jan van Roosendaal. Mijn grootmoeder mevrouw Hagendoorn-van Roosendaal (de zus van Jan van Roosendaal) wist mij in het verleden wel wat te vertellen maar zij is overleden in 1997. Mijn vader Jan Hagendoorn (de neef van Jan van Roosendaal), wist ook wel wat te vertellen maar ook hij is overleden inmiddels.
Alvast hartelijk dank voor uw moeite in deze.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Paul Hagendoorn
May 16, 2017 at 2:25 pm
Min dank voor Uw belangsteling.
Ik had een groote gedeelte van de bio van Kapitein Roosendaal er al op gezet, maar door een technische hic-up van de site is alles weer weg. ik hoop dat alles binnen 14 dagen weer terug is.
Captain Albert
May 16, 2017 at 2:32 pm
Nogmaals dank. Ik wacht rustig af.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Paul Hagendoorn
May 10, 2019 at 10:55 am
Heel veel dank voor deze uitgebreide loopbaan beschrijving van mijn oudoom Jan van Roosendaal. Als familielid en als zeeman heeft dit voor mij grote emotionele waarde en ik ben hier heel blij mee.
November 16, 2019 at 10:14 pm
Ik ben op zoek naar bevestiging van mijn reis 23 november 1962
En wel met de SSRijndam
bevestiging hiervan is van groot belang voor mijn AOW,als ik ditkan bewijzen krijg ik een voledig Aow
Dank U zeer
November 17, 2019 at 8:08 pm
Mijn dank voor uw reactie.
het is nagenoeg omogelijk om bemannings lijsten van die tijd te achterhalen. Maar het hal archief heeft wel de aanmonsterings boeken van die Tijd. Niet altijd compleet. Mijn suggestie is: Ga naar het gemeente archief in Rotterdam want die beheren het hal archief Hofkade 651 Tram stopt voor de deur en goed parkeren. De balie verwijst uw dan naar de tweede etage en daar helpt men uw graag. Als de informatie compleet is dat kunt u, uw naam vinden in Aanmonsterings boek 512, Rijndam periode 1956 – 1963 reis 59 tot 147. 23 november viel in de periode van reis 138 kapitein Busser. Dus de mogelijk is er…….
Hopelijk heeft U geluk.
Capt. Albert
March 22, 2022 at 9:11 am
Bij verrassing vond ik dit interessante verhaal over mijn oom, de zwager van mijn overleden vader. Een paar details vielen mij op: Oom Jan zoals ik hem heb gekend was getrouwd met Johanna Catharina Engelen zonder Cornelie, mijn vaders zuster en hij had wel drie kinderen maar twee dochters Anneke en Carlie en één zoon Jan junior.
March 22, 2022 at 7:06 pm
Goede morgen,
mijn dank voor huw commentaar. Het hele verhaal – wat betreft familie- is gecontroleerd door Mevr. Carlie die ik een paar keer in nederland bezocht heb, nadat ik haar en haar man tijdens een cruise was tegengekomen. Dus vandaar dat het op biographie staat, zoals het er staat.
Capt. Albert