- Captain Albert's Website and Blog -

Ocean Liner History and Stories from the Sea, Past and Present. With an In Depth focus on Holland America Line

1914 Pauw, Klaas

Captain Klaas Pauw (g)

Klaas Pauw was born on 24 April 1884 in Blokzijl which was and is a small town in the Province of Overijssel in the East of the Netherlands. His father was Johannes Hendrik Pauw. Listed as a general salesman and who took over in 1885, together with his brother, the family firm. They were involved in exchange trade. E.G  Rush or Reed mats were made in the Blokzijk area and then over water transported and bartered against butter.(g)  Grandfather passed away shortly after in December 1886. The name of the mother was Berendina Oosten. (a)

Maybe he went with the transport of the Reed mats over the Zuiderzee that wetted his appetite to go to sea. Certainly there  was and is a lot of water around his home town of Blokzijl  due to the excavation of peat for fuel. The whole area was prone to flooding until the 1930’s when the Afsluitdijk, closing off the Zuider Zee, was put in place. It also had a commercial port which is now a thriving water sports location.

He joined the Kweekschool voor de Zeevaart in Amsterdam on 21 August 1899. And after the three year education he joins Holland America on 07 August 1902 and is placed on board the ss Noordam as cadet. On 12 September 1903 he returns from sea with a very good report. For unknown reasons he does not pass the exam for 3rd mate (although his school reports were good) and thus he returns to Holland America on 05 Jan. 1904 as acting fourth officer.

The ss Noordam (I) was the second of three sisters which financial success put the Holland Amerika Lijn on the map as one of the major players on the North Atlantic. (e)

He returns back to school on 16 June 1904 again with a very good report and then passes his exam for 3rd mate on 28 July 1904 with a special notation for speaking 3 languages.  Consequently he is released from the Kweekschool on 29 July 1904 with very good reports for skills, behaviour, and attests.

Klaas Pauw seen here in his white  Royal (Dutch) Navy Officer uniform (f)

He returns on 29 June 1904 as 4th. Officer on board the Potsdam. When looking at his sailing list it is peculiar, compared to some of his colleagues, that he remains assigned to the passenger ships on a regular basis until promoted to captain.

It seems that this has to do with his parallel career in the Royal Navy. He enrols in December 1903 into, and remains with, the Reserve Service until his untimely death. By 1925 he had reached the highest rank possible for a Merchant Navy Officer, namely that of Lieutenant First Class in the Reserve.  Holland America liked to have RNR officers in command of their Royal Mail Passenger Ships and thus he must have been given all the support needed to go for his RNR training periods.

This coincides with an entry in his sailing list when he fails his First mates (captain’s ticket) exam. It can be assumed that he did not have enough time to prepare himself with the Royal Navy moving him from (training) ship to ship. So the company did not take it very seriously that he did not pass at the first go.  Because as soon as he passes he is assigned as the Sr. Navigator to the flagship ss Rotterdam and then shortly after to First or Chief Officer.  (See the Royal Navy notes at the very end of this biography)

Now he should have spent several years as first mate /first officer on the cargo ships but again he is assigned to the passenger ships and the two senior (ss Nieuw Amsterdam (I) and ss Rotterdam (IV) ones on top of that.

The ss Rotterdam (IV) came into service in 1908 and remained the flagship of the company until 1929 when the ss Statendam (III) arrived. (e)

On 08 April 1913 he marries in the town of Zwolle Debora Johanna Mesdag (passed away 19 April. 1932 in

Rotterdam). Her parents (Uco Mesdag and Hedwig Maria Körner) had a factory in the town of Zwolle.

Wedding day (g)

Mrs Pauw in later years (g)









But by 1925 the Pauw family is listed as living in Rotterdam. (a)

There were three children, all daughters:

Marie Pauw (Rotterdam 09 Jan. 1914 – Nieuwegein 01 Jan. 2004)

Berendina Pauw (Rotterdam 25 June 1915 – passed away in Cape Town)

Johanna Pauw (Rotterdam 1918 – Deventer 13 June 2000)  (g)

A picture out of the family album showing Mrs. and Captain Pauw and their 3rd daughter. (g)

By the end of 1914 he is promoted to Captain with his first ship being the cargo ship ss Waaldijk. This only lasts for a short while as for the next three years he remains with the Royal Navy due to the First World War, although the Netherlands was neutral during the conflict. he was assigned as commander of the Navy Pilot boat at den Helder for most of this period.

This photo made by the captain of his crew on board the pilot boat. it looks a bit like a motely crew but when navy sailors worked they were not deck out in the finery that you always see on parade. These photos are quite unusual as not every commanding officer took an interest in doing so (h)

He then returns to the cargo ships and ends up in 1922 for one very short voyage on board the ss Koudekerk.

This photo was taken in March 1919 while Captain Pauw was in command of the ss Amsteldyk during voyage 12, while on the way from Rotterdam to Philadelphia. As all officers are present with their sextant it must means they were taking the sun’s noon altitude in order to find the noon position of the ship. From left to right, Second Officer, Chief Officer, Captain, 3rd Officer, 3rd Officer. (g)   ED: at a later date I will add the names of these officers when I have the chance to look at the voyage book. (g)

The ss Koudekerk was not a Holland America Line ship but belonged to the VNS or United Steam, a joint venture of several Dutch shipping companies in which the HAL participated with ships and personnel. This company had been founded in 1921 to enable services to Africa and to the Far East all the way to China on routes where there were no established Dutch companies trading yet.  The VNS had bought a ship, the ss Kirkshall Abbey, which had been sailing a few times in charter for HAL and Captain Pauw was dispatched to Hamburg to pick her up and bring her to Rotterdam via Antwerp. There Captain Siebe Vlietstra took over and Pauw was transferred to take out the brand-new ss Breedijk on its trial trip and subsequent maiden voyage to Philadelphia and back.

The ss Vechtdijk. This ship had not been ordered by the company but had been bought in 1920 while under construction in England. Upon delivery it was assigned to be  chartered by the VNS.  It remained in this charter, but owned by HAL until 1933 when it was sold. (e)

After another spell with the Royal Navy he is sent away for “the long run”. This was the service to the Dutch East Indies the so called Holland Britisch Indisch Service from New York.  Which was operated under the VNS banner. For relieve the company had come up with a clever idea, namely sending new crew over while working on a ship on the short North Atlantic service, transfer that crew in New York, and then this relief crew sailed the ship back to Rotterdam and then went on leave. For captains this was not always done this way  and as the B class ships had a few extra cabins, Captain Pauw sailed as passenger to New York and took command of the ss Vechtdijk on 21 September 1923 in New York.

The ss Vechtdijk. This ship was on the “long run” and sailed to the West coast and the Far East. Here a rather unique photo taken from the bridge of the Vechtdijk while she is approaching one of the locks. (ED: I think this  is the Pedro Miguel Lock, looking at the hills in the background) (g)

He makes 3 round voyages from New York going as far east as Colombo on Ceylon (Now Sri Lanka) and by 10 Oct. 1924 he is back home again.   In  his photo albums kept by his grand daughter there are a lot of photos of life on board. This is for an historian of great interest as life on the early cargo ships is not very well documented. The focus of the company was on the glamour of the passenger ships and often the cargo ships were constructed in a very spartan way where the was little emphasis on luxury or well being of the officers and crew. Thus the ships complement had to be resourceful and they where. On the passenger ships the pools were exclusively for the passengers with no crew allowed, on the cargo ships they could built whatever they wanted as long as it fitted and could be removed before reaching the next port.

Here we have one such pool construction on the ss  Vechtdijk, during one of her voyages to the Far East which included long oceans crossings in warm tropic weather. So in front of the bridge a pool was constructed to bring some relieve from the opppressive heat as the ships did not have any A.C whatsoever.  Note the top deck is the bridge, with the officer on look out. Below is the officers promenade and then the pool. Captain Pauw can be seen sitting without a cap next to the officer with the tropical helmet. (g)

After “the long service” the captains where then assigned on the ships which did the shorter voyages to the East Coast of the USA and thus he is assigned to the ss Grootendijk a cargo ship built in Holland in 1923. This ship makes one month voyages between Rotterdam and New York with about 10 days in between while the ship is turned around in Rotterdam.

The ss Grootendijk (I) from 1923 to autumn 1925 she was assigned to the New York service but was later transferred  to the Rotterdam – Vancouver service.  She is seen here on  16 Sep. 1926 docked at the Canadian Pacific Terminal in Vancouver, then under construction. On this location is now the Pan Pacific Cruise Terminal. (Photo courtesy Mr.  H.A Price ??)

On the return of the 4th. Voyage a tragedy occurs as he suddenly passes away on 09 May 1925 due to an unknown cause.  Family information has revealed that he passed away due to a lingering kidney problem, for which in those days no medication was available. He was aware of this  and made as many sailing days as possible to ensure that his wife and children would have as much money available was possible. This was before the days of Social Security.  (g) The ship was coming from New Orleans and was just passing Folkestone. Cause of death unknown. The Chief Officer sails the ship home and it arrives in Rotterdam the same day. He was buried on 12 May at the General Cemetery “Crooswijk”,  in Rotterdam

There seem to have been several brothers and or sisters of the Captain who were noted on the death notification of 1925, J . Pauw,  J.M. Pauw, A. Pauw – Noordhof, and J. Pauw  & Children from Kota Radja Dutch East Indies.


  • (a) Additional Genealogy E.H Kruidhof.
  • (b) Comportementen boek Kweekschool voor de Zeevaart as held by the City Archives of Amsterdam.
  • (c) Stamboek Personnel records of the Holland Amerika Lijn as held by the Municipal Archives of the City of Rotterdam.
  • (d) Various newspapers via Delpher.
  • (e) Photos from the authors collection.
  • (f) Photo via Nephew Mr. Taco Mesdag.
  • (g) Mrs. Marianne v d Scheer. (Daughter of the Johanna Pauw the 3rd daughter of Captain Pauw)
  • (h) Mr. Bruno de Bruyne (Nephew)

 Sailing List:  (c)

Date:                     Function:                             Ship:                                      Wages and/or remarks.

07 Aug. 1902       Cadet                                    Noordam                             10,–

16 Oct.  1902       Cadet                                    Rotterdam                          10,–

14 Feb. 1903       Cadet                                      Soestdijk                             15,–

12 Sep. 1903       Temporary dismissed for school did not pass the exam.

29 Dec. 1903       Act. 4th. Officer                  Statendam                          20,–

16 May. 1904       Act. 4th. Officer                  Sloterdijk                             20,–

29 Jun. 1904        Temporary dismissed to go to school. Passed exam for 3rd Mate on July 1904.

11 Aug. 1904       4th. Officer                           Potsdam                              30,–

19 Nov. 1904       4th. Officer                           Statendam                          30,–

21 Dec. 1904       Temporary dismissed to join the Dutch Royal Navy.

03 Jan. 1905        Placed for a 3 month exercise on board ss Gier of the Navy Reserve.

05 Apr.  1905       4th. Officer                           Amsterdam                        30,–

27 Apr.  1905       4th. Officer                           Soestdijk                             30,–

05 May 1905       4th. Officer                           Potsdam                              30,–

19 Jul. 1905         4th. Officer                           Noordam                             30,–

17 Jan.  1906       Act. 3rd officer                   Rijndam                               40,–

15 Aug. 1906       3rd. officer                           Amsteldijk                          40,–

30 Nov. 1906       Temporary dismissed to go to school passed for 2nd Mates ticket 21 Feb. 1907.

25 Feb. 1907       3rd. Officer                          Nieuw Amsterdam          50,–

10 Apr.  1907       3rd. officer                           Sloterdijk                             50,–

13 Jul. 1907       Act. 2nd officer                   Sloterdijk                             60,–

13 Feb. 1909       2nd officer                            Potsdam                              60,–

03 Mar. 1909       Temporary dismissed to go to school. On 22 April failed exam

Note (in the HR records) : this failure to pass should absolutely not have any negative consequences for this person.

03 May.1909       2nd Officer Sr.                   Rotterdam                          70,–

06 Dec.  1909       Temporary dismissed to go to school passed for first mate’s ticket on 9 March 1910

17 Mar. 1910       Act. Chief Officer             Amsteldijk                          100,–

26 Jun.  1910      Temporary dismissed to go to the Dutch Royal Navy.

08 Oct.  1910       Act. Chief Officer             Zijldijk                                   100,–

01 Jan.  1911       Due to restructuring of wages                                    130,–

16 Apr.  1911       Chief Officer                      Zijldijk                                   140,–

03 Nov. 1911       Chief Officer                      Rotterdam                          140,–

29 Dec. 1911       Chief Officer                      Nieuw Amsterdam          140,–

12 Feb. 1912       Chief Officer                      Sloterdijk                             140,–

10 Apr.  1912       Temporary dismissed for Royal Navy.

30 Aug. 1912       Chief Officer                      Rotterdam                          150,–

01 Apr.  1913       Temporary dismissed.

24 Apr. 1913       Wages increased to                                                        175,–

24 Apr.  1913       Chief Officer                      Noordam                             175,–

09 Jan.  1914       Wages increased to                                                        190,–

01 Aug. 1914       Due to mobilization of the Dutch forces temporary dismissed to go to the Dutch Royal Navy.

17 Dec. 1914       Act. Captain                        Waaldijk                               250,–

20 Oct.  1915       Temporary dismissed for the Dutch Royal Navy.

01 Dec. 1918       Dismissed from military service and on standby,300,-      wage increase

07 Feb. 1919       Captain                                 Amsteldijk                          300,–

01 Jul. 1919         Captain                                 Amsteldijk                          625,–

01 Jan.  1920       Captain                                 Amsteldijk                          650,–

15 Oct. 1920        Captain                                 Amsteldijk                          675,–

15 Aug. 1921       Captain                                 Vechtdijk                             675,–

16 Oct.  1921      Wages decreased to                                                       610,–

16 Jan. 1922       Captain                                 Koudekerk                          610,–  (Holl. Br. India Line)

01 Mar. 1922       Temporary ashore

08 Mar. 1922       Captain                                 Boschdijk                             610,-

ED: the Boschdijk was only delivered in October, hence he was re-assigned to the ss Breedijk

15 Mar. 1922       Wages decreased to                                                       585,–

Per movement book 22:  on Breedijk (First Captain) 15 Mar – 01 June

01 Jun.  1922       Temporary ashore Placed on board HMNS Cornelis Denkbl ??? for one month

01 Jul.    1922       Temporary ashore

02 Nov. 1922       Captain                                 Binnendijk                          585,–

05 Mar. 1923       Ashore due to illness                                                                     585,–

12 Mar. 1923       Captain                                 Drechtdijk                           585,–    relieve joins at Glasgow.

14 Jun.  1923       Captain                                 Koudekerk                          625,–    VNS

17 Jul.    1923       Ashore                                  Royal Navy.

08 Sep.  1923       Captain                                 Vechtdijk                             585,–    transferred via the Burgerdijk

10 Oct.  1924       Ashore                                                                                 585,–    to Boston.

16 Oct.  1924       Captain                                 Grootendjk                        585,–

08 Sept. 1924     Captain                                 Bilderdijk                             585,–

11 Oct.  1924       Temporary ashore.

16 Oct.  1924       Captain                                 Grootendijk                       585,–

01 Mar. 1925      Promoted to Lieutenant – Commander  Dutch Royal Navy .

09 May.1925       Deceased on board while sailing through the English channel.

Captain Pauw during his Royal Navy Reserve time. We can see one stripe on his uniform which indicates the photo was taken after 1912. Experts have not yet figured out what sort of boat he is pictured on. (g)

Dutch Royal Navy career:  (d)

1903 Dec. 03 Placed on Hr. Ms. training ship Gier  Extraordinary Ensign First Class..

1904 Dec. 21 Placed –unknown

1905 Jan. 03 Placed for 3 months on board Hr. Ms. Gier

1906 Apr. 03 Released from  Hr. Ms.  Gier

1908 Oct. 12 Promoted to Extra Ordinary Ensign First Class

1909 Dec. 06 Placed – unknown

1910 Aug. 26 Placed on board Hr. Ms. Van Speyk

1910 Oct. 07 Released from Hr. Ms. Van Speyk

1912 Apr. 15 Placed on board Hr. Ms. Hefring

1912 May. 17 Placed on board Hr. Ms. Evertsen

1912 Jun. 15 Placed on Hr. Ms Heemsckerck

1912 Sep. 28 Released from Hr. Ms. Heemsckerck

1912 Oct. 21 Promoted to Lieutenant  (*)

1914 Aug. 01 Assigned to Royal Navy  Reserve  for the duration of the war.

1914 Aug. 15 Placed on board Hr.Ms. Bellona.

1916 (at least by May) in charge of Pilot Boat No. 6 of the Royal Dutch Navy. Stayed so until at least mdi 1917.

This is Loods Boot No. 6. (Pilot Boat no 6) There was also a pilot boat No. 1. And maybe even more. Captain Pauw was in command of the No. 6. (h)

It is assumed (subject to verification) that the Navy pulled their regular Commissioned Officers  off all the auxiliary ships so they were available for war patrols. These functions where then taken over by the Reserve Officer/

Captain Pauw on the Bridge of “:Loods boot No. 6.” On service around the port of Den Helder which is the National Navy base of the Netherlands. The pipe on the left is a communication pipe for orders down to the engine room. The little bulb on the the top is the whistle which was blown first to get attention.(g)

1918 Dec. 18 Dismissed from service

1920 Jun. 14 Allowed to fly the Dutch Royal Navy Reserve flag on board the merchant ship he will command as long as he is in service of the Holland America Line.

1925 Feb. 17 promoted to Lieutenant – Commander (*)

(*) together with C.J de Kup also HAL Captain

Updated: 31 March 2021



  1. While clearing out some photo’s of long deceased family members I came across a portrait of Klaas Pauw. He was my grandfather’s brother-in -law. I myself was “kwekeling” (cadet) in Amsterdam. If you like I can mail you the portrait.

  2. Mijn dank

    is groot voor al deze aanvullende informatie. Ik heb het meteen toegevoegd aan de biography. Ik neem contact met U op buiten de website om. dus als U een email zien binnen komen van CaptAlbert1, dan is het geen spam.

    Mijn dank en mvg

    Capt. Albert

  3. Marianne van der Scheer

    March 11, 2021 at 4:11 pm

    Hier volgt een rectificatie van de mail van mij , van 12-02-21
    Aan captain Albert Schoonderbeek,

    Wat geweldig om uw blog te ontdekken en de nautische geschiedenis van mijn grootvader Klaas Pauw te lezen!
    Wat zou mijn moeder dit prachtig hebben gevonden. Zij was net 7 toen haar vader overleed.
    Ik probeer een boek over mijn moeder, Johanna Pauw, de dochter van Klaas Pauw te schrijven. Zo ging ik op onderzoek uit en stuitte op uw blog.

    De jeugdfoto waar grootvader als Cadet op staat,(welke door Taco Mesdag is ingestuurd) herken ik niet. Maar dat wil niet zeggen dat hij het niet is. Ik heb twee zeer oude foto albums in mijn bezit waarin ludieke beelden te zien zijn van zijn reizen op zee.
    Heb ook een portret van hem in uniform. Wellicht bent u daarin geïnteresseerd.

    Misschien kan ik u ook nog wat aanvullende informatie geven .
    De vader van Klaas Pauw, woonachtig in Blokzeil dreef ruilhandel met biezen matten tegen roomboter, die vervolgens in grote rollen vervoerd werden van Blokzeil naar Amsterdam over de toenmalige Zuiderzee.
    Misschien ging grootvader Klaas Pauw wel mee over zee en heeft toen de zilte smaak te pakken gekregen…en is zo zijn liefde voor de zeevaart ontstaan…..
    Ik heb deze informatie uit overlevering van een neef van mijn grootvader, Bert Pauw.
    Heb ook van hem informatie waar het huis van de familie Pauw heeft gestaan nl aan de kade in Blokzeil achter het Waterkanon.
    Een mooi oud herenhuis.
    Na zijn huwelijk met Debora Johanna Mesdag op 8 april 1913, kregen zij nog drie kinderen.

    Marie Pauw geb. Rotterdam, 9 jan. 1914 overleden Nieuwegein 1 jan. 2004
    Berendina Pauw geb. Rotterdam, 25 juni 1915 overleden (Kaapstad. Z-Afrika) 5 april 1995
    Johanna Pauw geb. 29 april 1918 overleden Deventer 13 juni 2000.

    Johanna Pauw is mijn moeder en Klaas Pauw dus mijn grootvader, die ik helaas niet gekend heb maar wel de verhalen over gehoord.

    Ik wil nogmaals zeggen heel blij te zijn met uw blog . Werkelijk heel bijzonder dat mijn grootvader postuum geëerd wordt en “weer tot leven wordt gebracht”!

    Met vriendelijke groet in afwachting van uw reactie,
    Marianne van der Scheer

    Rectificatie van 12-02-21

    Aanvullende informatie van Klaas Pauw.
    U schrijft dat zijn doods oorzaak niet bekend was.
    Uit overlevering weet ik dat hij een zware keel angina kreeg met complicatie nierfalen. Daaraan is hij overleden.
    Er was toen nog geen antibiotica!
    Mijn moeder, zijn dochter dus vertelde destijds dat hij wist dat hij ongeneeslijk ziek was en daarom zo vele extra reizen heeft gemaakt om zo veel als mogelijk voor zijn vrouw en drie dochters te verdienen…..( Er bestonden toen nog geen pensioenen)

    Ook wist ik niet beter, dan dat hij een zeemansgraf had gekregen, maar volgens het bijgevoegde krantenartikel is zijn lichaam toch in Rotterdam ter aarde besteld en op Crooswijk begraven. Bijzonder om dit te lezen!

    Dit was nog een kleine aanvulling op mijn vorige bericht.
    Met vriendelijke groet,

  4. Hugo de Bruyn, zoon van Mary de Bruyn-Pauw

    May 20, 2021 at 2:36 pm

    Geweldig om de historie van mijn grootvader Klaas Pauw in dit Blog van Captain Albert langs te “zeilen”. Ik werd er door mijn nicht op geattendeerd.
    In het Blog lees ik dat Captain Klaas Pauw op 23 september 1923 in New York aankomt om het bewind over De S.S. Vechtdijk over te nemen.

    Bijzonder is dat voor mij de brief ligt, die Klaas Pauw op 1 oktober 1923 vanuit New York aan zijn vrouw schreef. Op de envelop staat het stempel van New York en geschreven: “Per S.S. Aquitania”. Klaas schrijft dat hij voort moet maken met schrijven, omdat de brief mee moet met de Aquitania.

    Via Norfolk, even zuidelijk van New York, zet de Vechtdijk begin oktober 1923 koers naar het Verre Oosten. Via Algiers, Alexandrië (vanwege een extra lading asfalt en meel) Port Said, Suezkanaal naar Batavia.
    In het Blog lees ik dat klaas met de vechtdijk drie reizen heeft gemaakt. Helaas heb ik van reis 1 maar één brief en van reis 3 geen brieven.
    De tweede brief van Klaas, die voor me ligt, is van 4 juni 1924 en geschreven in Soerabaya. Ik veronderstel dat reis 1 op dat moment is afgerond. De tweede reis is halverwege. De paar brieven, die ik bezit gaan dus over deze reis langs de Indonesische eilanden. Klaas Pauw schrijft voor welke havens hij vracht heeft. Havens op Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo en Celebes. Klaas meldt een keer zijn schip: De Vechtdijk.
    Klaas Pauw is een goede schrijver. Hij vertelt hoe het aan boord toegaat. In de havenplaatsen heeft Klaas verschillende kennissen, die hem uitnodigen voor de thee of een diner. Klaas noemt enkele schepen, die de post transporteren. Een enkele keer heeft Klaas het over de kaptein van het schip. De schepen zijn allemaal te traceren. Meestal zijn het schepen van de Rotterdamse Lloyd of van de Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland. Schepen die grotendeels dezelfde route varen. Met één verschil: Klaas Pauw vaart na Gibraltar richting New York. Hij vaart per slot van rekening voor de Holland Amerika-lijn, voor de vrachtverbinding tussen Amerika en het Verre Oosten.

    • Captain Albert

      May 21, 2021 at 2:21 pm

      Mijn dank voor uw reactie,

      en geweldig om dit verhaal te mogen lezen.

      Ik had al gehoord dat Kapitein Pauw een goede briefschrijver was.

      Als uw nog wat tegen komt aan informatie voor de biography, dan houdt ik mij aanbevolen.


      Capt. Albert

      • Captain Albert

        May 21, 2021 at 2:22 pm

        Good morning,

        I have sent you a 300 dpi scan of the tourist class library of the ss Ryndam from my email

        best regards

        Capt. Albert

  5. Carla (Carola) Romein-Pauw

    May 26, 2021 at 11:00 am


    Mijn meisjesnaam is Carla Pauw. Klaas was een oom van mijn vader Han (Johannes Hendrik) Pauw uit Zwolle.
    Heel leuk om dit verhaal te lezen! Mijn man is al maanden bezig met de herschrijving van het dagboek van Pieter Pauw (schipper, handelaar uit Blokzijl en de grootvader van Klaas en van míj́n grootvader Johannes Hendrik-Henk-) en met de stamboom van de familie. Wij hebben veel informatie, maar waren zeer verbaasd te lezen dat er onder de overlijdensadvertentie van Klaas de naam van Jan Pauw (zijn broer) “and children” zou hebben gestaan. Voor zover ons bekend stierf Jan Pauw kinderloos. Hij is overleden t.g.v. de slechte behandeling in een jappenkamp op Sumatra.

  6. Beste Albert, mijn aanhef is zonder de gebruikelijke egards, excuus. Dat neemt niet weg dat ik uw werk en blog bijzonder respecteer.
    Helaas is er iets mis gegaan met de ontvangst van de 300 dpi scan. Ik heb deze scan helaas niet in mijn Mailbox ontvangen. Vandaar dat ik ook later reageer. Mijn nicht Marianne wees me vandaag op uw reactie in uw blog.
    Ik kan het grootste deel van de inhoud van de Klaas Pauw brieven ingescand naar u toesturen.
    Ik ben op het moment bezig de foto’s van Klaas Pauw van zijn Dutch Royal Navy tijd (1916-1918, Den Helder en Terschelling) te scannen en te bewerken. Hij voerde het commando op een loodsboot. Marianne heeft al enkele foto’s doorgestuurd, zag ik in de blog.

    Met vriendelijke groet,
    Hugo de Bruyn

  7. Marianne vd Scheer

    May 27, 2021 at 1:00 pm

    Dag Carla,

    Bijzonder om jouw verhaal en vraag te lezen! Ineens komen oude verhalen tot leven. Prachtig is dat!
    Ik ben een kleindochter van Klaas Pauw. Via de Captain kunnen we wellicht onze mailadressen uitwisselen.
    Misschien kan ik je wat verder helpen met deze zoektocht naar mogelijke kinderen van Jan Pauw.
    Hugo mijn neef, heeft jouw vader nog gekend en jou ook (in zijn jonge jaren.)

    Met vriendelijke groet,

    • Carola Romein-Pauw

      May 28, 2021 at 3:50 pm

      Dag Marianne,
      Wat leuk! Ik heb “de captain” al gevraagd om ons in contact te brengen. Hopelijk heeft hij inmiddels mijn mail aan jou doorgestuurd, zodat jij mij email adres weet.
      Ik zit vol met vragen en kan misschien ook veel van jouw ev vragen beantwoorden!
      Hugo, Annet en jullie namen. Ik ken ze allemaal en jullie ouders ook!
      Zou leuk zijn wat te horen.
      Vriendelijke groet

  8. Good morning Captain Albert

    I stumbled across this article by chance, and was amazed!

    I am the younger son of Berendina Pauw, so Klaas was her father who passed away when she was just 9 years of age – and my grandfather.

    I am resident in Cape Town, and somehow seafaring remained in the family, as my father, Louis Paul Heering made his career in shipping in East and South Africa and became the Managing Director for Africa for Nedlloyd (previously VNS Holland Africa Line). I have very special memories of being on the bridge on various ‘fontein passenger liners and ‘kerk cargo ships as a youngster.

    I am indebted to you for your detailed research, and passing on more information than I ever knew about my grandfather. I too have a photograph of him, which I will email to you.


    • Captain Albert

      April 11, 2024 at 2:29 pm

      Thank you for your comment. I received the photo in pdf form which must have been one that he had given to all the children, as the other dauhters/ grand children had te same one.
      Best regards

      Capt. Albert

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