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Ocean Liner History and Stories from the Sea, Past and Present. With an In Depth focus on Holland America Line

1912 Korver de, Cornelis


Born on  6 February 1882 at Dordrech as son of Cornelis de Korver and Arigje Schaap.  (a) After secondary school he entered the  Kweekschool voor de Zeevaart in Amsterdam in 1897. upon completion of his studies he joined the Holland America Line as cadet on 2 Oct. 1900

At the moment very little is known about his life apart from a few tidbits. He made captain in 1912 and that is not bad. In 12 years from Cadet to Master. The company gave a helping hand here as it was a period of expansion with more ships coming in but he must have been deemed capable to get his own ship. Then in 1917 we find him in the middle of the foundation of the first Dutch Captains Society.

This picture is a crop out of a groups photo taken in Falmouth in 1917 when the Dutch Captains society was founded.

This gave me the one and only photo I have, cropped out from a groups photo in 1917 at Falmouth England. Due to the First World War with the strict ships inspections going on, especially for neutral ships, there were 27 Dutch ships and captains at anchor near the port at a certain moment.. They all got together on request of Captain De Korver and the founded there the Dutch Captains Society. The need was felt to have some sort of representation for their function, as Dutch Government and the Shipping Company’s made decisions about life and death, without consulting the captains. While those same captains would then be held responsibility if something went wrong.

Engaged on 29 April 1920 with Geertruida Maria (Truus) Retra from the town of Dordrecht (But born in Amsterdam in 1892 as the daughter of a butcher. She was named after her mother (nee Klaufus) . They married on  01 July  1920 at Amsterdam.  Records found so far indicate that there was one son, Cornelis Willem (born 22 Dec. 1914 and died 24 Dec. 1982) (a)

Looking for further details of his career and life.

By 1929 he was senior enough in the fleet to be assigned to the passenger ships. But we see a peculiar situation as contrary to the HAL promotion / seniority systems he returns on a regular basis to the cargo ships. Reason unknown.

By 1935 he settles as captain on the ss Leerdam and remains there until October 1940 with only one trip in between on a cargo ship. By then after October he goes back to that same cargo ship the ss Breedyk and remains there until 19 Feb. 1941 when the ship arrives in New York. Here he left the ship due to illness.

The company war records reveal the following:

“Stayed behind in England (Editor: this is a typo should read New York) on account of sickness. Temporary placed ashore. On 28 Feb. 1941 received report that Capt. De Korver required medical attention. Mr. Roggeveen (Editor: this the NY port director) advised that a local doctor should take of him. March 01 1941 transferred to Hackensack Hospital with pneumonia treated by Dr. Klumpf of Hoboken. Discharged from hospital on March 15.  September 23 to Lennox Hill, Hospital New York. According to Doctor show all signs of severe diabetes discharged from hospital November 17, 1941. Placed in Elsie Scott Nursing Home, East Saddle River, New Jersey. 12 December 1941 Mr. Roggeveen is advised that Capt. Korver suffered a stroke.

5 June 1942 to Lennox Hill hospital. Died at this hospital on 12 September 1942.  (At the end of this entry in his war records is a criptic note reading:  21 Aug. 1945 mail room wrote to wife)

Buried on 25 Sep. 1942 at East Ridge Lawn Cemetery Clifton NY.

This is one of several gravestones in one plot of Hal Personnel who died during the war in or near New York. (Photo courtesy: Mrs. Dorothy Hansen Torley
East Ridgelawn Cemetery)

Date:                    Function:                            Ship:                                    Wages and/or remarks.

02 Oct.  1900      Cadet                                  Amsterdam                        10,–

13 Dec. 1900      Temporary dismissed

21 Dec. 1900      Cadet                                 Potsdam                             10,–

16 Mar. 1900      Cadet                                  Potsdam                             15,–

06 Oct. 1901      Temporary dismissed to go to school for 3rd mates license passed 13 Dec. 1901

03 Jan.  1902      4th. Officer                         Rotterdam                         30,–

16 Apr.  1902      4th. Officer                        Rijndam               30,–

07 Nov. 1902      act. 3rd officer                   Rijndam               40,–

29 Dec. 1902      act/ 3rd officer                   Rotterdam                         40,–

01 Jul.    1903     act. 3rd officer                   Amsterdam                        40,–

02 Sep.  1903      act. 3rd officer                   Rijndam               40,–

11 Nov. 1903      act. 3rd officer                   Sloterdijk                            40,–

01 Jan. 1904      Temporary dismissed commissioned as extraordinary ensign Royal Navy Reserve

01 Feb. 1904      Temporary dismissed to go to school for 2nd mates license passed 13 April 1904

16 May 1904       3rd officer                           Statendam                         50,–

23 Jun.  1904      Temporary dismissed to join the Royal Navy reserve.

01 Jul.    1904      Placed for 3 months on board HMS Gier

10 Oct. 1904      3rd officer                           Amsterdam                        50,–

22 Mar.1905       3RD officer                          Rotterdam                         50,–

18 Aug. 1905      Temporary dismissed

30 Aug. 1905      3rd officer                           Noordam                            50,–

19 Jan. 1906      Act 2nd officer                    Noordam                            60,–

08 Jun.  1906      2nd officer                           Amsteldijk                          60,–

04 Jul.    1906      2nd officer                           Sloterdijk                            60,–

21 Nov. 1906      Temporary dismissed to go to school for study 2nd mates license. Passed 20 Feb. 1907

01 Jan. 1907      Appointed Ensign 1st class at Royal Navy Reserve

22 Feb. 1907      2nd officer                           Nieuw Amsterdam           60,–

02 Jan    1908      2nd officer                           Rijndam               70,-

24 Jun. 1908      Temporary dismissed to join the Royal Navy Reserve

30 Dec. 1908      2nd officer                           Statendam                         70,–

08 Mar. 1909      2nd Officer                          Nieuw Amsterdam           70,–

12 Apr.  1909      Chief Officer                      Amsteldijk                          100,–

22 Jan. 1910       Chief Officer                      Sloterdijk                            100,–

12 Mar. 1910      Chief Officer                      Andijk                                  100,-

07 May 1910      Chief Officer                      Statendam                         100,–

27 Jun.  1910      Chief Officer                      Zijldijk                                  100,–

13 Aug. 1910      Act. Captain                       Zijldijk                                  100,–

Sails as Captain from Baltimore to Rotterdam

Due to the staying behind of Capt. Lieuwen at Baltimore due to breaking a leg.

05 Sep. 1910      Chief Officer                      Soestdijk                             100,–

14 Dec. 1910      Temporary dismissed for a 3 month exercise with the Royal Navy Reserve

01 Jan. 1911       due to wage review                                                      160,–

27 Feb.  1911      Chief officer                      Maartensdijk                     160,–

01 Aug. 1911      Wage increase                                                               170,–

01 Aug   1911      Chief Officer                      Potsdam                             170,–

05 Mar. 1912      Promoted to captain                                                    250,–

05 Mar. 1912      Captain                               Gorredijk                            250,–

10 Aug. 1914      Captain                               Potsdam                             250,–

20 Sep. 1914      Temporary ashore

07 Sep. 1914      Captain                               Zijldijk                                  250,-

29 Oct. 1914      Captain                               Gorredijk                            250,–

01 Jan. 1916      Wage increase                                                               275,–

12 May 1917      Temporary shore

07 Jan. 1918      Captain                               Zaandijk                              275,–

11 Aug. 1918      Wage increase to                                                          325,–

01 Jul.    1919      Wage increase                                                               650,–

01 Jan. 1920       wage increase                                                                675–

15 Oct. 1920      wage increase                                                                700,–

05 Oct. 1921      Captain                               Burgerdijk                           700,–

16 Oct. 1921      Wage decrease to                                                         635,–

16 Jan. 1922      Captain                              Vechtdijk                            635,–

16 Mar. 1922      wage decrease to                                                          610,–

16 May 1922      Captain                               Waaldijk                             610,–

24 Jan. 1924      Temporary shore

17 Mar. 1924      Captain                               Ijseldijk                                610,–

11 Sep. 1924      Captain                               Moerdijk                             610,–

27 Sep.  1924      Captain                               Poeldijk                               610,–

07 Oct. 1924      Captain                               Moerdijk                             610,–

22 Mar. 1926      Temporary ashore

03 May 1926      Captain                               Eemdijk                               610,–

01 Apr. 1927      Wage increase                                                                  630,–

08 sep.  1927      Temporary ashore

14 Sep. 1927      Captain                               Eemdijk                               630,–

To London with the Harwich ferry to join ship

17 Jan. 1928      Temporary ashore                                                         630,–

21 Jan. 1928      Captain                               Eemdijk                               630,–    At Antwerp.

30 may 1928      Temporary ashore                                                         630,–

02 Jun. 1928      Captain                               Eemdijk                               630,–    with the train to Antwerp.

Was awarded the gold medal of the Royal Dutch Meteorological Society on 13 July 1927

07 Feb. 1929      Temporary ashore                                                         630,–

Wages increased to  650,– starting per 1 Jan. 1929

12 Mar. 1929      Captain                               Maasdam                           650,–

01 Jan 1930         wage increase                                                                670,–

19 May 1930       Captain                               Leerdam                             670,–

02 Nov. 1930      Temporary shore                                                           670

Sailed in 3 years until March 1931 2 years and 5 months

10 May.1931      Captain                               Maasdam                           670,–

19 Dec. 1931      Waged decreased                                                         536,–

23 Mar. 1932      Temporary shore                                                           536,–

06 Apr. 1932      Put on 70% standby money                                         536,–

24 May. 1932     Captain                               Veendam                            536,–

05 Nov. 1932      Temporary ashore 70%                                                536,–

03 Jan. 1933      Captain                               Veendam                            536,–

20 Jun.  1933      Wages decreased by 5% according to circulaire no 929 dated 27 June 1933

09 Jul.    1933      Captain                ashore at 70%                                  536,–

09 Aug. 1933      Captain                               Veendam                            536,–

16 Oct. 1933      Temporary ashore                                                         536,–

25 Oct. 1933      Captain                               Beemsterdijk                     536,–

28 Dec. 1933      Wages decreased to                                                     482,40

29 Dec. 1933      Temporary ashore                                                         482,40

22 Jan. 1934      Captain                               Binnendijk                          482,40

13 Mar. 1934      Temporary ashore                                                         482,40

15 Mar. 1934      Temporary shore              at 70%                              482,40

22 Mar. 1934      Captain                               Breedijk                              482.40

05 May 1935      Temporary shore at 70%                                            482,40

23 May 1934      Captain                               Beemsterdijk                   432,40   wage decreased in accordance with circulaire….. 1923

05 Aug. 1934      Temporary  ashore                                                       432,40

22 Aug. 1934      Captain                               Beemsterdijk                 432,40

01 Oct. 1934      Wage decreased to                                                     415,–

12 Nov. 1934      Captain                               Bilderdijk                         415,–

19 Dec. 1934      Temporary ashore 70%                                            415,–

03 Jan. 1935      Captain                               Leerdam                             415,–

19 Mar. 1935      Captain                               Breedijk                            415,–

18 Sep. 1935      Captain                               Leerdam                             415,–

29 Jul.    1937      Temporary ashore                                                         415,–

04 Aug. 1937      Captain                               Leerdam                             415,–

01 Oct. 1937       According to new regulation                                  430,–

01 Oct. 1937       Captain                               Leerdam                             until ??? Oct. 1940

?? Oct. 1940       Captain                                 Breedyk                              until 19 Feb. 1941 on sick leave


(a) E.H Kruidhof

(b) Stamboeken in HAL archives as held by the Municipal Archives of Rotterdam.

1 Comment

  1. Kees-Jan de Korver

    September 21, 2019 at 3:49 pm

    Cornelis de Korver is my grandfather. I have a picture of him and his ship

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